As a business woman I have observed how the current crises of a pandemic has…
Community Empowerment
In the last few weeks a lot has shifted in me with the Black Lives Matter movement around the world. I was surprised by the matters arising here in the UK and the actions and reactions on Social Media by both sides of the argument. The propaganda being generated by the media is most overwhelming and hasn’t helped the matter in my opinion.
Racism is real, marginalisation is real, for too long black lives have been placed as second class citizens – but let’s not settle on that.
A black man has made it to the White House – stayed in for two full terms, so now we must push forward knowing that we have a chance – let us now waste the sacrifices that were made for us by our ancestors. We can look at the problems or we can be the solutions. I choose to be the solution – I choose to see the opportunities, not being blindsided to the opposition, but to focus on what is in my hands, and what I can do to pave the way for the generation coming after me.
My continuous contribution to this conversation is as follows: Challenge your examined beliefs. Do not be imprisoned by your own ignorance. Freedom is found in self awareness.
I’m looking to positively affect as many black lives around me as possible, educate as many as possible on what Cultural Diversity, Equality and Inclusion really means. It is not a tick box exercise. We cannot celebrate diversity but not acknowledge the disparity that exists. Creating or adjusting laws does not change people’s hearts. These issues can be deep rooted so seeking to change a person’s foundational beliefs about Race by imposing a new idea on them is a waste of time and quite frankly very unintelligent.
I choose affirmative action – I want to actively be involved in positive actions that change the narrative, change the reality – one black person at a time. What if we can change the status quo? What if we can change the narrative? What if? Actually scrap that! Why not!! Let us go in strong, get involved at a leadership level in our fields of expertise, in Politics, locally, nationally and internationally.
“Don’t just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.”
– Barack Obama
I say change the narrative, freaking build your own table and seat on it! Let them come and ask for a seat at your table! Yes! I said it!! I am no longer fighting for a seat at anyone’s table – I am building my own table!
I have been doing a lot of work with my local BME Charity organisation to build on their agenda; looking at positive ways to change the narrative for local young black people and to educate local organisation, industries and individuals on Cultural Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. If we can showcase career opportunities for our young ones, expose them to the world of STEAM – Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and create paths for them – we will change the dynamics and forever change the narrative.
We must demand excellence of ourselves and of our younger ones. If we do, someday, excellence will become a value to them. How excellent will that be! We need to internalise this idea of excellence. Excellence isn’t a destination excellence is a journey. It’s about being excellent every day. It is embracing the creative discomfort required to demand more from ourselves.
I demand excellence of myself. I do things excellently well.
Author: Blessing Enakimio